Schedule your Pollen gift for Give to the Max Day between now and 11:59pm CST on November 11, 2015 or any time on November 12, and get your hands on one of these nifty, specialized Pollen rewards.

Not only will you receive your special Pollen reward, but you’ll help us improve our chances of receiving a $10,000 Super-Sized GiveMN Golden Ticket or one of 24, on-the-hour $1,000 donations. The more gifts we generate on leading up to and on November 12, the more our chances increase to receive these additional donations. 

Join us on Thursday, November 12, 2015, for Give to the Max Day and help us celebrate the conclusion of our first ever Pollen Supporter Drive.

Our goal is to raise $22,000 by the end of GTMD and we’re more than halfway there! You can help us reach our goal by scheduling your gift now. Don’t miss this last chance to become a Pollen founding supporter.


Event Ticket



Free ticket to a 2016 Pollen event of your choice.

$25 donors receive a free ticket to any one of Pollen’s 2016 events—#LikeABoss, Work Redux, Unraveled Network, Rally Cry—take your pick.



Membership Card



Get your very own Pollen membership card.

$50 and you’ll be a [digital] card carrying member of Pollen. Your membership card includes a custom illustration of yourself and a few fun facts about you as a Pollenite.


Pollen Artist Print



Choose from one of five Pollen artist prints.

Take home your own piece of Pollen commissioned art for a $100 donation. Choose from one of five prints from some of Pollen’s best illustrators. 





Have your career journey illustrated by Allegra Lockstadt.

Pollenite, contributor, and illustrator extraordinaire Allegra Lockstadt will create a careercature of you. People wait in line for up to an hour for one of these hot ticket items and all you have to do is become a founding supporter at the $250 level.

Voice Story



Nominate someone for a Voice story, written and designed by the Pollen Story Team.

Know someone who is breaking down barriers to build better connected communities? Become a $500 founding supporter and nominate them for a Voice story (like this one). The Pollen Story Team will conduct an interview and publish a story about your favorite person, complete with visually stunning graphics.


Hosted Breakfast



Pollen will host a breakfast in our space for your organization.

Founding supporters at the $1,000 level will have the opportunity to invite 40 of their closest friends and colleagues to a breakfast hosted by Pollen in our North Loop office. The Pollen Team will coordinate all the logistics including invitations, programming, and refreshments.


Thank You Bundle



Custom illustrations to thank those you appreciate most.

At Pollen, we believe in the lost art of thank you notes. Make a lasting impression with a suite of 10 custom, illustrated cards created by the Pollen Story Team that you can send to thank the people you appreciate most—family, friends, colleagues, and clients. It’s our way of thanking our $2,500 founding supporters.


Sponsored Story



The Pollen Story Team will write and design an editorial feature about the individuals who fuel your mission-driven organization.

Pollen’s brand of storytelling is unmatched in the region, and our award-winning technology platform allows us to publish stories that are dynamic and engaging. The Pollen Story Team will write, design, publish, and promote an editorial feature about the individuals who fuel mission-driven organizations that become founding supporters of Pollen at the $5,000 level.